Journey East Complete

10 nights, 11 days,12 States, 13,000 dollars (paid by Ford), 14 years till we would ever think of doing it again.

At 7pm, we took a left turn onto our street for the very first time. We followed the GPS as it led the way to our new home and turned up the driveway, completing our journey.

We found our way through the back door, preparing to wade through a maze of boxes and disarray. “Thank God my family was kind enough to set up our beds,” we thought, as we turned the key in the lock. “At least we would have a place to put the kids down.”.

What we came home to was far from what we expected.  The door opened to a pristine kitchen with monogrammed place mats laid neatly at the table, a homemade chicken parmesan meal was placed inside the fridge along with milk and other staples. The archway off the kitchen framed a cherry wood dining room table (not previously owned by us), with our china laying atop a red and white tablecloth, accompanied by a bottle of Cabernet and wine key.

I tried to video this discovery, as I wanted to capture Zachary’s first impression of this much-anticipated arrival into his new home, but I could barely keep my own composure. I felt like the recipient of Extreme Makeover Home Edition as we wandered through the house.

We walked further, following the warm glow reflecting on the wall in the living room. It seems that our angels had not only unpacked our kitchen, made us dinner, arranged furniture and made our beds, but they invited Santa himself, to come adorn our hearth and rooms. We rounded the bend into the sun room and found a tree sparkling among a sea of presents, and a digital picture frame scrolling through all of my late Father’s artwork.  I aimed the camera at Zachary and asked him, “Who lives here? Who’s house is this?”. “Santa’s”, he answered with wide eyes.

He and Isabelle forgot about their over tired and hungry states, and tore into packages. I turned and noticed a double frame to my left and had to turn off the camera at this point.  My sister had copied the pictures I had posted last week, of us at our special place at the beach, and they sat in frames on the desk.

It didn’t stop there. An hour after our arrival, our children were put to bed in their own rooms, perfectly placed and arranged, wrapped gifts on the shelves.  Steve and I sat on the couch, in front of a fireplace of dancing candles, another finishing touch. We silently looked around in disbelief.  We felt as though we had climbed Mount Everest to get here, and yet somehow all of our belongings beamed themselves across the country and quietly awaited us.

How do you adequately show gratitude for such an enormous act of kindness? I called my sister and Mom, and in the confusion of getting the kids fed and to bed, I am certain I wasn’t able to convey all we felt for what they left for us.

I posted a bit ago, (Magic Anyone) begging for a fairy godmother to wave her magic wand and transport all we own to the East Coast, and it seems that that fairy godmother appeared, dressed as the Rozek Family – anonymity out the window. Credit must be given where credit is due.  It’s good to be home, close to the magic.

18 responses to “Journey East Complete

  1. Family….nothin’ like them!

  2. All is as it should be. I can feel the warmth of the love all the way down here in Carolina…magic indeed. Love you all.

  3. Welcome back east, Emily. Great to have you back where you belong.

  4. 🙂 glad you liked it! Love you…good luck finding your silverware…
    This was beautiful by the way. I choked me up.

  5. oh, oh, oh…this is fantastic! I’m wiping tears as I type this… WELCOME HOME!!

  6. This made me cry!!!!!!!!!!! WOW. So happy your tale ended this way. Amazing. xo

  7. I agree with becky, couldn’t keep my composure with this post! so glad to have you back home (east) safe and sound! I wish you luck on this new chapter, and so happy you are blessed with amazing family to help you along the way! god bless the rozek family!

  8. Em, this so sounds like your family!!! I have tears running down my cheeks reading this!! I am so happy to hear you all arrived safe and sound. Now you are able to begin a whole new chapter in your book of life! hugs Marilyn Nejman

  9. Such tears of joy when I read this! I’m so happy you are finally there safe and sound. And if you needed another sign as to how right this choice was….I hope you hold these moments close for a very long time. Sending you and all your family and your new home lots of loving!

  10. So happy you guys made it home. What an adventure. You need to write all this down for Zachary and Isabelle when they grow up. We miss you guys!

  11. Oh boy…one could scarely compose themselves after reading this. I, too, am holding back joyous tears! Although the journey was long and challenging…God awaited you over His rainbow! What you experienced, as you landed your feet in your “back” door, was nothing short of God’s wonderous grace…not to mention a miracle of Love! Can I be a part of your family? Welcome home everyone! Your home is beautiful and I know you will find great JOY in it! Sleep well the next few nights as more blessings await you! Can’t wait to hear about them all! Miss you! ❤ Judy

  12. I’m sure all our friends are more than a little tired of hearing about how excited we have been with the anticipation of this moving and decorating adventure. We loved every minute of it (except perhaps that of putting tight contour sheets on crib mattresses in beds without dropping sides.) (More poetic license, Em, as I know Isabelle’s do go down and her sheet is far from tight.) I also live for lighting candles and setting tables, and Kassie loves presents and kitchen cupboards, so the pleasure was all ours.

  13. Welcome home! What a fabulous, inspirational ending to a tough week.

  14. What a great family you have Em–which comes as no surprise. You’re pretty terrific too :). I was so happy to be able to just WALK ACROSS THE STREET and see you today! THAT is my favorite part of the ending to this story :)…Welcome to South Orange!

  15. This one nearly made me cry 🙂 am so happy you are home and the long journey os over! You have a rocking family! Maybe you can teach me how to summon that magic fairy godmother for when my next big move happens!

    • This is amazing!! I’m so happy they did this for you. What a blessing to have your home prepared for your arrival!!! I love all the special touches they thought of. So special. I’m so happy for you and am overjoyed you are back on the East Coast!!!!! YEAH!! Can’t wait to see you soon. Love you. Talk soon. Xoxo

  16. WELCOME BACK TO THE East. Love your Blog & pictures. I knew your Mom & sisters would take care of you.

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